根据美国 travel.state.gov 消息,中国、伊朗、巴西、南非、申根区、英国、爱尔兰这几个地区持有 F 和 M 签证的人,如果在 8 月 1 日之后需要继续或者开始在美国大学上课,那将符合美国的 National Interest Exception (NIE),也就是不需要去第三国漂白,可以直接直飞美国。


  • 需要持有 F1 或者 M1 签证,如果没有的话,可以在就近的大使馆申请。申请完如果符合条件,也会被纳入 NIE 行列
  • 最早能去美国的时间和你的开学时间有关,最早不能早于开学时间前 30 天。比如 10 月 1 日开学,你也只能 9 月 2 日过去;如果是 8 月 5 日开学,7 月 6 日就可以过去
  • 如果你还是想更早过去,那要不就去大使馆或者领馆申请 NIE(比如医疗原因),或者就是去不在禁止旅行列表上的国家待 14 天漂白。
  • 如果你是商务 B 签证、F2 等配偶或子女的签证,仍然需要第三国漂白才行。。
  • 当然,现在离 8 月份还有较长时间,谁都不知道中间会不会出什么幺蛾子。。毕竟现在印度超级培养皿。。



National Interest Exceptions for Certain Travelers from China, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, Schengen Area, United Kingdom, and Ireland
Last Updated: April 26, 2021

On April 26, 2021, the Secretary of State made a national interest determination regarding categories of travelers eligible for exceptions under Presidential Proclamations (PPs) 9984, 9992, and 10143 related to the spread of COVID-19.  As a result of this determination, together with national interest determinations already in place, travelers subject to these proclamations, due to their presence in China, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, who are seeking to provide vital support for critical infrastructure; journalists; students and certain academics covered by exchange visitor programs, may now qualify for a National Interest Exception (NIE) .  Students and academics subject to these proclamations due to their presence in China, Iran, Brazil, or South Africa, may qualify for an NIE only if their academic program begins August 1, 2021 or later.  Qualified travelers who are applying for or have valid visas or ESTA authorization may travel to the United States following the procedures below, even as PPs 9984, 9992, and 10143 remain in effect.

Students with valid F-1 and M-1 visas intending to begin or continue an academic program commencing August 1, 2021 or later do not need to contact an embassy or consulate to seek an individual NIE to travel.  They may enter the United States no earlier than 30 days before the start of their academic studies.  Students seeking to apply for new F-1 or M-1 visas should check the status of visa services at the nearest embassy or consulate; those applicants who are found to be otherwise qualified for an F-1 or M-1 visa will automatically be considered for an NIE to travel.

Travelers in categories described above who have a valid visa in the appropriate class or who have a valid ESTA authorization for travel under the Visa Waiver Program and seek to travel for purposes consistent with ESTA authorization, should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate before traveling, if they believe they may qualify for a National Interest Exception.  If a National Interest Exception is approved, they may travel on either a valid visa or ESTA authorization, as appropriate.

The Department of State also continues to grant NIEs for qualified travelers seeking to enter the United States for purposes related to humanitarian travel, public health response, and national security.  These travelers and any others who believe their travel to be in the United States’ national interest should also review the website of the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate for instruction on how to contact them.