

不过,有的朋友可能不习惯跟客服理论,或者总觉得自己讲不清楚事情,写投诉信很让人头疼,就作罢了。其实,现在使用 chat gpt,很容易就能完成一篇高质量的投诉信,只用输入几个关键词句就行。所以本文就手把手教大家用 Chat GPT 来写投诉信。

这里提一下,chat gpt 免费版写投诉信就完全够用了,拿手机号注册一个就可以。如果你本身就需要使用付费版,用 BOA Unlimited Cash 或者 AMEX Blue Cash Every Day 都是有 3% 返现的.


酒店投诉无非就是房间问题、酒店相关设施问题、人员服务问题这几种。大家把酒店名、问题的关键词、赔偿等信息告诉 Chat GPT,然后就可以得到非常好的投诉信了。当然,给的细节越多,chat gpt 给你写的贴合度越高。

Chat GPT 提问模板如下(如果你不连成句子,打几个词也是可以的)

  • 酒店名:xxx hotel
  • 事件关键词:xxx is dirty, xxx is noisy, xxx is rude
  • 我的要求:write a complain, ask for compensation
  • 基础信息:my conformation number is xxx
  • 高级会籍(可选,加上一般能获取更高的赔偿):I have platinum/diamond/gold status in xxx



Subject: Urgent: Complaint Regarding Recent Stay at Hilton [Hotel Name]

Dear Hilton Customer Service,I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to express my disappointment with my recent stay at your [specific location] Hilton hotel. While I have always regarded Hilton as a symbol of luxury and quality, my experience during this stay fell far below my expectations.

Firstly, I would like to bring to your attention the unsatisfactory condition of the swimming pool. Despite my anticipation of a refreshing and enjoyable swim, I was met with disappointment upon discovering that the pool water was notably dirty. This not only compromised the overall experience but also raised concerns about hygiene and safety.

Furthermore, the air conditioning unit in my hotel room was excessively noisy throughout the night, hindering my ability to enjoy a peaceful and restful sleep. The disruptive noise was a significant inconvenience, and it adversely affected the quality of my stay.

Considering the premium reputation of Hilton, I find it regrettable that such issues were encountered during my visit. I believe that a reputable establishment like Hilton should maintain high standards to ensure the satisfaction of its guests.

In light of these inconveniences, I kindly request appropriate compensation for the subpar experience I had during my stay. Whether in the form of a partial refund or a voucher for future stays, I believe it is reasonable to expect compensation for the shortcomings that marred my stay at your esteemed hotel.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a swift resolution. Please feel free to contact me at [your contact information] to discuss this further.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


[Your Full Name]




Chat GPT 提问模板如下(如果你不连成句子,打几个词也是可以的)

  • 航空公司名:xxx airline
  • 事件关键词:xxx is broken, xxx is noisy, xxx is rude
  • 我的要求:write a complain, ask for compensation
  • 基础信息:my conformation number is xxx, flight number is xxx
  • 高级会籍(可选,加上一般能获取更高的赔偿):I have platinum/diamond/gold status in xxx


My flight AA1234 is late for 2h without any notice and explanation. Person at gate is rude and yell to me. On flight AA1234, my seat is broken. Write a complain and ask for compensation.


Subject: Urgent: Complaint Regarding Flight AA1234

Dear American Airlines Customer Service,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with my recent experience on flight AA1234, which has left me deeply disappointed with the level of service provided by American Airlines.

My flight, AA1234, was delayed by a staggering 2 hours without any prior notice or explanation. This lack of communication is not only inconsiderate but also caused significant inconvenience to my schedule. Moreover, the person at the gate was remarkably rude and, to my dismay, raised their voice while interacting with me. This behavior is entirely unacceptable and does not reflect the professionalism and courtesy one would expect from your staff.

To add to my dismay, upon boarding the flight, I discovered that my seat was broken. The discomfort and inconvenience caused by the malfunctioning chair only compounded the frustration I experienced due to the delay and the disrespectful behavior of the gate attendant.

Given these multiple issues, I feel compelled to request compensation for the subpar experience I endured during my journey with American Airlines. I believe it is only fair that I receive appropriate compensation for the inconvenience, the lack of communication regarding the delay, the disrespectful behavior of your staff, and the broken seat.

I trust that American Airlines values customer satisfaction and will take the necessary steps to address these concerns promptly. Please investigate these matters thoroughly and inform me of the actions being taken to prevent such incidents in the future.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a swift resolution. Kindly contact me at [your contact information] to discuss this further.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


[Your Full Name]


投诉信用卡公司,银行也是类似的。注意要区分一下这个投诉信是写给谁的。比如要告诉 Chat GPT,写给 CFPB 投诉或者写给银行投诉,这样就比较明确。另外,投诉的时候有可能涉及到相关邮件截图或者证据,你要记得附加在最后,然后在投诉信里面提一下。然后对于一些条款上自知理亏的事情,直接投诉基本很难赔偿,但是也可以转为投诉客服没讲清楚/乱开火车/态度差,有一定概率获取一点补偿。

Chat GPT 提问模板如下(如果你不连成句子,打几个词也是可以的)

  • 被投诉的银行名:xxx bank
  • 事件关键词:xxx is closed, no sign up bonus, account is locked, fraud
  • 我的要求:write a complain, ask for compensation
  • 基础信息:my card number is xxx, account number is xxx
  • 使用他们服务的年限(可选,加上一般能获取更高的赔偿):I have been used xxx service for xxx years


Unknown charge appears on my amex card, but AMEX ask me to pay for it. Write a letter to dispute.


Subject: Formal Dispute of Unauthorized Charge on American Express Card

Dear American Express Customer Service,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally dispute a charge on my American Express card, account number [Your Account Number], which appeared on my statement dated [Statement Date]. The charge in question, amounting to [Amount], is unfamiliar and appears to be unauthorized.

Transaction Details:

  • Merchant: [Merchant Name]
  • Transaction Date: [Transaction Date]
  • Transaction Amount: [Amount]
  • Reference Number: [Reference Number]

I have already contacted your customer service representative on [Date of Contact], reference number [Reference Number provided during contact], to report this issue. Unfortunately, the representative I spoke with indicated that the charge was valid and requested that I proceed with payment. However, I want to emphasize that I did not authorize or make this purchase.

Attached to this email, you will find the following supporting documents to assist in the investigation:

  • A copy of my recent statement highlighting the unauthorized charge.
  • A written statement explaining the circumstances of the dispute.
  • Any additional information you may require to investigate this matter thoroughly.

I kindly request that American Express conduct a comprehensive investigation into this unauthorized charge and promptly rectify the situation. I am confident that your team will be able to resolve this matter fairly and expeditiously. Furthermore, I request that my account be credited for the disputed amount as soon as possible.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and trust that American Express will uphold its commitment to customer satisfaction and security.Please reply to this email or contact me at [Your Phone Number] if you require any further information or clarification.

I look forward to a swift resolution to this dispute.

Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter.


[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]



其实 Chat GPT 可以帮我们做的事情很多啦,除了投诉信,还可以写要 retention offer 之类的。也可以让他给我们旅行规划,路线规划什么的,大家尽情调戏就好!