在更新规则后,账户主人可以先在网上预定酒店,然后联系万豪的客服,去更改入住人的名字,就能完成 Gift 了。注意是要联系万豪总的客服,而不是联系定的酒店。这其实是个非常好的改动,大家都试过打电话给客服报酒店和时间的麻烦事,现在在网上搜好再改名字就方便多了。

此外这个 Gift award 每年还是五次,并没有变化。我估计联系当地酒店加 second guest 的办法应该是不计入这五次的。我的建议是在大中华区之外,都使用加 second guest 的方式入住,一般那些地区就不怎么管。如果是在大中华区,就老老实实使用万豪提供的 gift award,直接定在入住人名下,才能正常入住。因为国内查都要两个 guest 都在才能入住和提供证件。

这是新的 term

When booking a Gifted Award Redemption Stay reservation, a Member must provide to Member Support their Membership Number and name, as well as the name of the person who will be staying at the Participating Property (the recipient) . Both names and the Member’s Membership Number must be provided to Member Support at time of booking the Gifted Award Redemption Stay. If a Member makes an Award Redemption Stay reservation first, they must contact Member Support to then add the recipient’s name.They cannot contact the Participating Property to add the recipient name.

这是原来的 term,明确写了不能先定然后联系客服 

When booking a Gifted Award Redemption Stay reservation, a Member must provide to Member Support their Membership Number and name, as well as the name of the person who will be staying at the Participating Property (the recipient) . Both names and the Member’s Membership Number must be provided to Member Support at time of booking the Gifted Award Redemption Stay and cannot be modified once booked. A Member cannot make an Award Redemption Stay reservation first and then contact Member Support or the Participating Property directly to gift or otherwise transfer the Award Redemption Stay to another person. If a Member needs to make a change to an Award Redemption Stay reservation, the reservation will need to be cancelled and a new reservation booked (if available) through Member Support, and the Member is responsible for the changes to the Points or cash, as applicable, required to book a new reservation.