
作为撸卡最疯狂的博主之一——Miles per Day,关卡已经是家常便饭了。这回他又被关了两张,一张是 Discover Miles,一张是冷门卡 Paceline。原因当然是撸的太狠了!不过我还是很敬佩他这种身体力行,带头撸卡的人的,所以给大家分享一下事迹,顺便分析下被关卡的原因。


Discover Miles

这张卡看似平平无奇,但是在他手里就是神卡。我印象里他已经申请了好几次了,每次都往死里刷,毕竟 discover 在所有银行里面是 G 点较高的。这张卡首年的返现翻倍,配合 1.5% 所有消费返现,就是首年所有消费 3%。这个 3% 对于大多数人来说可能意义不大,但是对于他这种资金流水极高的人来说 3% 就很可观了。

他 6-7 月用卡的记录如下,简单的说就是 cycle credit line,也就是在额度较低的情况下,为了多刷,用了卡就还钱或者干脆提前把钱 push 到信用卡上,这样就可以快速刷卡了。所以从每个月来看,他消费的总金额都是信用卡额度的好几倍。对于银行来说,就算你每月还清不欠钱,这种 cycle cl 的行为也是有一定风险的。所以大家以后尽量也注意不要弄多了,保持在 2-3 倍 CL 以内一般来说是安全的。

  • 6/21 – $3K charge (remember I have a $3K CL)
  • 6/23 – paid off the $3K from bank
  • 7/5 – $3K charge (it took them nearly 2 weeks to clear my CL which I thought was surprisingly long, but I figured it was due to new account.)
  • 7/6 – pushed $6K of payments
  • 7/8 – surprisingly noticed I had CL, so $3K CHARGE
  • 7/9 – another $3K CHARGE
  • 7/12 – paid the $3K from bank account
  • 7/12 – Redeemed my 1.5%
  • 7/13 – Pushed a $100 payment.

至于他刷了什么东西,一方面他做一些倒卖游戏机,电脑,金币之类的东西,这个 3% 相当于比一般的 2% 卡多 1%。如果刷 $100k,就是多赚了 $1000。另一方面,购买 VGC 的成本大概是 1% 左右,这个 3% 相当于额外的 2% 利润。只要流水够高,比如刷 $100k,就是月收入 $2000,也很可观。

Discover IT Miles 信用卡


  • 开卡奖励:$100 返现(消费一笔)
  • 消费返点:首年所有消费 3% 返现;之后所有消费 1.5%
  • 返点兑换:直接兑换;返现可以打折购买多种礼品卡,最高 5 折
  • 年费:$0
  • 立即申请>>

Evolve Paceline 卡

这个是一张新出的卡,大部分人看到的都是送苹果手表。不过对于撸卡狂魔来说,超市药店 5% 的返现,简直是一块超大的肥肉!因为超市药店都有出售 $500 面值的 VGC,可以把成本控制在 1%,那么这个无限制 5% 的卡相当于有 4% 的利润。至于他刷了多少呢?

每个月 $3000 多的返现,相当于每个月 $60k 的流水,持续了三个月。那么按照我们之前说的成本 1%,利润 4%,那就是每月赚了 $2400,总共赚了 $7200。所以说什么开卡送的苹果表,才值几个钱。。。人有多大胆,地有多大产,只要你撸的狠,被关卡什么根本无所谓,钱到手就跑路。

Evolve Paceline 信用卡

超市、药店、健身 5%,其他类别 3% 返现

  • 开卡奖励:Apple Watch 7(需要每周完成锻炼相关任务)
  • 消费返点:超市、加油、健身相关最高 5%,其他最高 3% 返现(需要完成任务)
  • 返点兑换:直接兑现
  • 年费:$60
  • 立即申请>>

Amazon 账户被关,GC 被没收

他从各种渠道购买了 Amazon  GC,存入了 Amazon 账户,用作买 Bestbuy Gift Card 以及下一些单子。结果 Amazon 给他发邮件说已经关了账户没收全部 GC。

在此先不管他有没有做违规的事情,从 amazon 的角度,从各个商店买来的大额 gift card 存入一个账号中,看起来本身就很像那些盗用信用卡买 Amazon GC 然后销赃的人。如果被盗卡者发现,并从银行 dispute,损失的一般来说会是卖这张卡的商家。不过,既然是 amazon 提供的 gc,说不定本身就和商家有所协议,amazon 也许也会因此有损失。没收高风险账户是一个不错的选择,一来如果账户是黑户,那么盗卡者肯定就认栽了,amazon 赚;如果账户被误杀,用户找上门,amazon 顶多就是恢复账户和 GC,损失一个用户的口碑,也不亏。

当然对我们来说,个人建议 amazon gc 不要一次性存的太多,最好要买东西的时候再存入。不过,这个 mies per day 是出了名的 hit hard,他的量肯定不是我们普通用户能企及的。大家如果只是平时买买信用卡多倍的 5x,应该不需要特别担心。


I think I’m going to have to BBB, CFPB, write to my attorney general, etc because it seems illegal that they can confiscate my GC balance without even giving me a specific reason as to why they closed my account.

花样作死,不回复 Fraud Alert, FIA 信用卡被关了..

被关卡之王 Miles per Day 又来了,这次他的 fidelity fia 信用卡被关了。原因是他短时间花了 $10k,触发了多次 Fraud Alert,但是之后又没有及时打电话把这些 Alert 清除。银行打电话联系,也没法联系上他。所以,银行为了控制信用卡被盗的风险,直接把他的卡给关掉了。

一般来说,银行是不会直接关你的卡的,但是风控部门会根据你的风控等级和近期的行为进行评估,确定是否要关你的卡。而这种多次 fraud alert 又不加处理,从外部人看来很像是卡被盗了。所以,如果触发了 fraud alert 导致信用卡不能刷,大家可以选择换一张刷,但是要记得之后打信用卡背面的电话或者处理一下 Fraud Alert 的邮件。也最好不要多次触发 Fraud Alert。

Citi 和 Chase 被关卡 DP 三则

三则 DP 均来自于 miles per day,这位老哥可以说是 king of shutdown 了,你能叫出名字的账户,他都被关过

Citi 关全家

这位读者有两张 AMEX 卡的 Statement Balance 比较高,接近了 20k。而且每天在 Citi 卡上做一些 MS 活动,估计是撸疫情的超市福利。首先你所有卡的 statement balance 都会在信用报告上有,银行可以 soft pull 你的信用报告看到,所以不要觉得银行只有他们自己的数据。当然,你可以在出 statement 之前还掉一部分,保证出账单的 balance 比较低。

Last week, a reader had his Citi accounts shut down. He never spent over CL and figures there were 2 possible reasons. First reason could be because he had 2 recent AMEX statements close totaling over $20K. With the current climate, banks are worried about ability to pay, so they may have gotten nervous that he had balances that high. The second reason is the more common MS method with Citi, which he was doing daily. I’ve heard of others getting shut down due to this as well, so this is more likely the culprit (although once again, I know others who are doing this just fine.)

Either way, the lesson learned is definitely to try not to close cards with high balances in the current environment.

Chase 关全家 1

这个读者的 7 张个人卡和 checking、Saving 都被关了,Chase 也没有给出确切的理由。但是从 checking、saving 被关来看,似乎不只是信用卡的问题。排除一下他说的没有 MO,似乎有可能是存现金的原因?总之确实比较迷 

My Chase closure: current state of affairs. As I reported before, all my 7 Chase personal CCs were closed early July 2020 (while I was on the road) . Later I received a letter which did not give a reason, only “We have decided to close your accounts”. I called the number and was told Chase will not give a reason, no reconsideration is possible and the decision is final. Let’s call this a hard closure. I received another letter that my checking and savings account will be closed on August 5. Fine, I emptied the accounts. I also have a Starbucks account which still works though I drained it today to avoid problems getting my money out, and I have an “You Invest JP Morgan” account. No closure notice on that one but when I inquired, I was told by JP Morgan side that the Chase side had “restricted” the account. He could not figure out why but told me that I needed to move the account out before it would get liquidated (not good because I had appreciated stocks in the account) . This was confirmed by a Chase branch (as far as they understood what an investment account is) .

I also called the Chase reconsideration line (I know, intended for CC refusals) , hoping that someone might disclose something but no luck, and I wrote a letter to Jamie Dimon, asking for clemency (“the punishment doesn’t seem to fit the crime” was my argument) . More about this later.
Now my 1 million UR points. Chase gave me 30 days to use them. I was pretty worried because I didn’t have a sapphire personal card to transfer points out. The rep tried to transfer the points but told me the computer wouldn’t allow it. Instead, a case was created and I would hear within 7-10 business days

Re: the letter, I received a call last Thursday from a Jeanine at the Credit Card Executive Office who told me she would investigate and let me know. She left her phone number in case I wanted to talk. I called yesterday morning and left a message but have not heard back. At this point, I’m ready to let it go. Chase refunded most of my annual fees (even a prorated amount for an AF I paid last December) . If Jeanine ever calls me, I’m going to ask her if there is any way a negative flag like “unsatisfactory relationship” can be removed from my name.

Just FYI, I don’t think I abused Chase in any way this year. I did do 2 x $1500 on Freedom Cards and I did 1 x $5000 on a Marriott card in “groceries” but that is it. I used the Freedom Unlimited at Simon Mall 3 times earlier in the year (Jan-Mar) . Never missed a payment, no MOs in the checking account; I only used it to pay Chase CCs. Sorry for the long story but I wanted to be as complete as possible. Chase is done with me but I am also done with Chase, at least for a while!

Chase 关全家 2

六张卡被关,快速撸了 30k 的 MS 消费,而且是没有额外多倍奖励的。。。不得不说老美的脑回路还是惊奇。他还有一张 0apr 的卡上面有大量的 balance.

Too much MS too quick. Bought 30k in [unbonused spend] across 3 cards. Prompted an acct review because I was maxing out my available credit. I’ve done a ton of MS but I’ve read Covid has them on edge. 6 cards down the drain.

Average spend was always around 15-20k across portfolio in prior months and paying the balance off before statement close. Also was carrying 25k balance on a 0% apr card which was money I invested during April lows. What put my Acct under review was maxing out available balance on one card that had 40k limit. Like immediately after I made that purchase everything got locked up. Even though I wasn’t going to carry that balance it still tipped the scales