现在 Chase 悄悄给自己的分期付款(My Chase Plan)提供了一些奖励活动,参与即可获取积分奖励。不过都是邮件发放的 offer,大家可以瞧瞧自己有没有收到。比如现在有下面几个 offer

  • 14,500 IHG points
  • 6,500 Chase UR points
  • 6k UR 积分(freedom 卡)
  • 7k Hyatt 积分(需要分期 1k 消费)
  • 4K UR (Sapphire Reserve)
  • 0APR+无手续费(chase freedom 卡)

要注意,虽然首次使用 my chase plan 是免利息的,但是这个服务是有固定手续费的,总的手续费是总金额的 1.72%(还是看最终分期页面是多少,我测试的实际比这个要高),然后分配到每个月。所以大家可以计算下到底是手续费多呢,还是赚取的奖励多。理论上应该可以只付第一个月的费用,然后直接把这部分贷款还清的。

The My Chase Plan Fee is 1.72% of the amount of each eligible purchase transaction or amount selected to create a My Chase Plan. The My Chase Plan Fee will be determined at the time each My Chase Plan is created and will remain the same until the My Chase Plan balance is paid in full. The My Chase Plan Fee is based on the amount of each purchase transaction selected to create the plan, the number of billing periods you choose to pay the balance in full, and other factors.
