【2023.8 更新】现在开户可以获取 $300 的奖励,而且存款满足一定要求后,可以获取最高 3.3% 的 APY。不过总体要求都比较高,如果你符合条件,可以考虑顺手弄一下。具体如下

这个 $300 挺不好拿的,需要满足下面几个条件

  • 开户 30 天内存入任意金额
  • direct deposit 7 个 billing cycle,并且每次都要 $7000 以上(估计这么大的金额只能把工资直接移到这个 checking 上了)
  • 每日平均余额在 $15k 以上(2023 年 9 月到 2024 年 3 月都要满足)
  • 每满足一个 billing cycle 获取 $50,钱统一在第七个 billing cycle 发放

To earn up to a $300 bonus, you must be approved for your new Axos Bank Rewards Checking account, fund it within 30 days of account opening, and have qualifying direct deposits that total at least $7,000.00 each calendar month during the first seven (7) calendar months your account is open as well as maintain a minimum average daily balance of $15,000. The minimum balance must be achieved and maintained from September 2023 through March 2024. A cash bonus of up to $300 can be earned in the following manner during the first seven (7) statement cycles. A statement cycle is a calendar month consisting of the days your account was open during that month. A maximum of six (6) payouts of $50 for each calendar month that the Rewards Checking account is receiving the direct deposit and maintain a minimum average daily balance of $15,000 can be earned during the seven (7) statement cycles, and the bonus will be deposited into your Axos Bank Rewards Checking account within 10 business days following the end of the statement cycle in which the direct deposit requirement was met. Your Axos Bank Rewards Checking account must be open and in good standing at the time the bonus is paid to be eligible to receive the bonus, and your Axos Bank Rewards Checking account must remain open for 210 days, or an early closure fee of up to $300 may apply, equal to the amount of the total bonus earned up to $300.

此外,这个 checking 还提供高额的利息,不过也不太好拿。除非你正好有他们家的投资或者贷款。DD、debit 消费、存款三个应该比较容易,加起来是 1.7% APY。

关于 AXOS 银行

Axos 银行是美国联邦特许储蓄和贷款协会,是总部位于加利福尼亚圣地亚哥的直销银行。它是 Axos Financial 的主要消费品牌。Axos 在加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥成立,总部位于加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥,在加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶设有办事处。这个银行还在 Las Vegas 和 Columbus 有门店。

AXOS 的存款受 FDIC 保护,最高 $250k。大家可以放心。

ank products and services are offered by Axos Bank®. All deposit accounts through Axos Bank brands are FDIC insured through Axos Bank. All deposit accounts of the same ownership and/or vesting held at Axos Bank are combined and insured under the same FDIC Certificate 35546. All deposit accounts through Axos Bank brands are not separately insured by the FDIC from other deposit accounts held with the same ownership and/or vesting at Axos Bank. For more information read Axos Bank’s FDIC Notice.

AXOS Checking


  • 开户链接: Axos Checking 开户链接(申请时输入 promo code: SUNNYBONUS)
  • 开户奖励:$0-$300
  • 开户范围:全国
  • Direct deposit 要求:$7000(可获取 $50-$300 的奖励)
  • 是否有 Hard/soft pull: Soft pull
  • 是否查询 ChexSystems:是
  • 开户信用卡充值(Credit card funding):无
  • 月费:无
  • 过早关户费(Early account termination fee):$150(如果 180 天内关)


现在开户并完成 Direct Deposit 要求,可以获取最高 $300 的奖励。


  • 开户 30 天内存入任意金额
  • direct deposit 7 个 billing cycle,并且每次都要 $7000 以上(估计这么大的金额只能把工资直接移到这个 checking 上了)
  • 每日平均余额在 $15k 以上(2023 年 9 月到 2024 年 3 月都要满足)
  • 每满足一个 billing cycle 获取 $50,钱统一在第七个 billing cycle 发放

To earn up to a $300 bonus, you must be approved for your new Axos Bank Rewards Checking account, fund it within 30 days of account opening, and have qualifying direct deposits that total at least $7,000.00 each calendar month during the first seven (7) calendar months your account is open as well as maintain a minimum average daily balance of $15,000. The minimum balance must be achieved and maintained from September 2023 through March 2024. A cash bonus of up to $300 can be earned in the following manner during the first seven (7) statement cycles. A statement cycle is a calendar month consisting of the days your account was open during that month. A maximum of six (6) payouts of $50 for each calendar month that the Rewards Checking account is receiving the direct deposit and maintain a minimum average daily balance of $15,000 can be earned during the seven (7) statement cycles, and the bonus will be deposited into your Axos Bank Rewards Checking account within 10 business days following the end of the statement cycle in which the direct deposit requirement was met. Your Axos Bank Rewards Checking account must be open and in good standing at the time the bonus is paid to be eligible to receive the bonus, and your Axos Bank Rewards Checking account must remain open for 210 days, or an early closure fee of up to $300 may apply, equal to the amount of the total bonus earned up to $300.

此外,现在通过返现网 Rebatesme 注册 Axos Checking,可以获取 $60 的额外返现。


  • 首先跳转的是一个 High Yield Saving,个人觉得没啥用。大家可以自行考虑要不要顺便开一个,不需要的话点 no thank you 即可

  • 记得选 new customer,然后填写相关信息注册账号,验证的时候建议使用自动照相 state id 或者 drivers license,系统能秒 approve。手动输入信息可能到头来还是要传相关的照片

  • 记得这里 promo code 还是要手动输入 SUNNYBONUS,保证 apply 上才行

如果你打算从 Rebatesme 申请,一定要从他的网站开始,然后点 axos checking 开户链接。根据他们目前的 term,如果开 checking 可以获取 $300 的奖励(这个数字随时有可能变动,请以当时看到的为准)。开其他的也有 $60

关于 Direct Deposit

如果你可以把工资的收款账户改为 AXOS,只需要改完等 $7000 的 DD,然后等 7 个月,就能拿满 $300 的奖励了。

如果你没有工资收入可以改,可以采取下面几个方式通过转账(ACH push)来实现,最简单就是 schwab 投资账户直接 withdraw 一笔钱到 AXOS 了。以下数据点来自 DOC 文章

  • Brex payroll: 1,
  • Capital One: 12 345,
  • Charles Schwab: 123456,
  • SoFi: 12,
  • USAA: 1,
  • T-Mobile: 1,

Rewards checking APY 奖励

2023 年 8 月 13 日数据

这个 checking 其实还有额外的利息奖励,满足指定要求,可以获取最高 1.25% APY。虽然说 1.25% 按照目前的大环境下吸引力不太大,但是作为有 DD 的那个月,可以考虑顺便满足一下

  • DD $1500 或者以上:0.4%(必须有这项才能加下面的几项)
  • Debit 消费 10 次或者签一个 PFM:+0.3%
  • 每日 Invest Managed Portfolios 账户平均存款 $2500:+1%
  • 每日 Invest Self Directed Trading 账户平均存款 $2500:+1%
  • 每月用这个 checking 支付 Axos 贷款:+0.6%
  • 上面几项全有:3.3% APY

Axos 的其他产品

High Yield Saving

前面说过了,利率一般般,而且 $25k 之前才有 0.61%

Money Market

才 0.25% APY...开玩笑

Personal Loan



Checking 的开户奖励还不错,要求相对也比较简单,没有月费还是不错的。记得开户后保持 180 天即可。

如果走 rebatesme,可以顺便开个 saving。另外要特别注意返现网写的 term 要求。
