【2023.5 更新】现在提交赔偿申请的人收到邮件,每个人会收到 $35 的赔偿 

As Administrator for the matter, we’re sending you this courtesy email to inform you that on May 31, 2023, you will receive a payment notification email that contains a link to claim your payment electronically. Once you receive that email, you will have until September 28, 2023, to claim your payment.


Zoom 由于未经允许和第三方分享用户的个人信息的问题被集体诉讼,虽然他们不承认,但是还是达成了和解的赔偿协议,总共赔偿 $85M。只要 2016 年 3 月 30 日-2021 年 7 月 30 日,曾经下载、注册、打开、使用过 zoom 的用户都可以填表要求赔偿。需要 2022 年 3 月 5 日之前完成表格的填写和提交。

每个人可以领的钱不同,如果你是付费订阅用户,可以凭借付款 invoice 领取 $25 或者 15% 的订阅费赔偿,如果没有付费的用户可以领取至多 $15 的赔偿
