Effective 12/31/2019, your Visa card no longer offers the Visa Discount Air Benefit. Air itineraries booked via the Visa Discount Air Benefit prior to 12/31/2019 will still be honored and valid for travel.

If you need servicing on your existing Visa Discount Air itinerary, please contact your Concierge before 12/31/2019. After 12/31/2019, Concierge will no longer have access to your itinerary and you will need to contact the airlines directly for assistance.

今天有朋友想通过 Chase Ritz Carlton 的航空 $100 福利订票,却发现出现了 Error。查了下,发现这个福利居然在 2019 年 12 月 31 日悄悄取消了!

根据公告,之前已经定了的机票不受影响。但是如果你想对定了的机票进行更改,只能直接联系航空公司来进行。不能确定这个 $100 off 还是否能作用。我个人猜测改票应该就是补差价就行,理论上不影响这个 100 off。

之前有这个福利的有 Chase Ritz CarltonCNB Crystal,算是这两张卡很大的亮点了。现在忽然取消,真的有点不厚道啊。如果你之前为了这个福利升级或者保留栗子卡,现在可以考虑一下了。而 CNB Crystal 取消了副卡的报销,削减了福利,优势已经不大了。