【12/10 更新】今天收到邮件回信啦!发了 10 封 email 的邮箱没收到回信,只发了 1 封 email 的邮箱收到了回信。这次只有一个安慰奖,免运费 code 了。。。

【紧急更新】经红鸟大佬提醒,查看活动 term 发现,不需要买 wendy's 就可以参加!参加活动获取 code/pin 的方式有两种:一种老老实实的买 wendy's 外卖获得奖励卡片上的码,如下文的流程;另外一种就是直接发 email,每次发送 email 可以获得 1 个免费的 pin,每个人/每个 email address 可以总共获得 10 个 pin。

重点看下面的第二段话!摘自 terms。

How to Obtain a Pin: To participate, entrants must first obtain a pin code (“Pin”) , while supplies last, by visiting Uber Eats and placing an order from the Wendy’s Never Stop Gaming Menu. Entrants will receive an Uber Eats Wendy’s Never Stop Gaming Sweepstakes Scratch Off Card delivered with the order. To enter the Sweepstakes by this method, an Uber Eats account is required, and can be obtained at no cost at uber.com or by downloading the app from the appropriate app store. 400,000 Pins will be printed. Last day to obtain a Pin (if available) via an Uber Eats order is at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on December 12, 2020.

To receive a Pin for free by email, send your request to [email protected] with the subject line: Uber Eats Wendy’s Never Stop Gaming Sweepstakes and the body of the email must include the following information: First Name, Last Name, Complete Home Address (no P.O. Boxes) , and Phone Number (“Email Entry Information”) . Free Pin requests sent via email must be received by December 12, 2020 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET. Free Pin requests received after this deadline will be voided and will not be eligible to receive a free Pin by email. Limit one (1) free Pin request per sent email. Limit ten (10) Pins per person/email address total regardless of the method obtained as there is a limit of ten (10) entries into the Sweepstakes per person/email address.


标题:Uber Eats Wendy’s Never Stop Gaming Sweepstakes

邮件主体:First Name, Last Name, Complete Home Address (no P.O. Boxes) , and Phone Number (“Email Entry Information”) .


大家也可以看下我们网站很久之前写的关于美国抽奖活动的总结文“美国所有抽奖活动全都需要提供 free method of entry”

前几天就收到了 Uber Eats 和 Wendy's 一起搞的活动 "Never Stop Gaming" 的邮件,因为不太清楚流程,直到今天订了一单之后,才写下这篇文章。流程概括起来很简单,Uber eats 点一单 Wendy's 里 Never Stop Gaming 套餐,收到外卖之后袋子里面会有一张奖励卡片,刮开背后的图层,把 code 输入 ubereatsprizepass.com 中就可以看自己会获得什么奖品了。

活动日期为这周:12/7/2020 - 12/12/2020

注册 Uber & Uber eats 账户

首先,你得有一个 Uber 账户。还没有 Uber 账户的,可以使用我们网站的 refer 链接,现在注册的新会员前 3 次打车每次可以免 $2 的车费哦!

Uber Refer code: zhous106ue
Uber Eats refer 链接(新用户注册,首单 $25 减免 $20)
UberEats code:  eats-zhous106ue(添加我们的 code 后,新用户首单 $25 减免 $20;感谢使用)


Uber eats 里找到附近的 Wendy's,点单 Never Stop Gaming 套餐。一共有 5 种套餐:Myth, Flight, Itshafu, XchocoBars, TFUE。价格在 $8.44 - $13.28 之间。

这里要注意的是 5 个套餐对应 5 个日子的各个时间段,Uber Eats 和 Wendy's 官方说明:“We're bringing 5 of the biggest streamers together for 5 days of gaming, food, and giveaways.” 不是很懂什么意思。今天是 12/9 所以我点了个 Flight Meal,但并没啥用。。。

然后等外卖收到之后,打开外卖袋子,里面会有一张 Uber Eats Prize Pass 奖励卡片。

背面刮开涂层,得到 code,把 code 输入 ubereatsprizepass.com 中就可以看自己会获得什么奖品了。

Instant Prizes 有:next-gen console controller; next-gen console remote; the perfect gaming hoodie; the perfect gaming sweats; comfy custom slides; probably the best water bottle; next-gen console gift card; next-gen console online subscription; Uber Eats gifts card; gamer bag featuring: stylish blue blockers, next-level compression gloves, performance gum, the warmest handwarmer

GRAND Prizes 有:The console no one can get; ultimate gaming chair; $1,000 Uber Eats gift card; the best gaming headset

感觉 Instant prizes 里面比较香的是 Uber Eats gifts card 和 gamer bag。

我这次抽到了 next-gen console controller,但对于只有 switch 的我来说并没啥用。。。抽到之后,会让填地址,电话,邮箱,说是会在 16 周之内邮寄出(时间也太长了)。。。

最后,祝大家好运,这周 Wendy's 点起来!Let us fat in peace!!