由于疫情,万豪又延长了大家手中免房券的过期时间。从 2021 年 5 月 6 日开始,所有 2022 年 1 月 2 日之前过期的免房券,都会延期到 2022 年 1 月 3 日。这里的房券,指的是已经发放到账户的房券,比如联名卡开卡奖励和年度奖励、万豪大礼包、各种活动发的奖励等等。

需要注意的是,如果这个免房券最初的过期日期是 2020 年之前的话,就不会继续被延期了。这里特指的是上一波已经被延期的 2020 年之前的房券。大家啥都不用做,系统会自动帮大家延期。

New! Free Night Award and Point Expiration Extensions:

Free Night Awards: Effective May 6, 2021, Members who had a Free Night Award (FNA) that had an original expiration date in 2020, or which will expire before January 2, 2022, as part of their Cobrand Credit Card Benefit, Annual Choice Benefit, promotions or travel package will be able to redeem it through January 3, 2022. Free Night Awards with an original expiration date prior to 2020 will not be eligible for the additional extension. Members do not need to take any action. The system will automatically update your Account with these extensions on May 6, 2021.

Points Expiration: To provide you ample time to redeem points, the expiration of points is paused until March 31, 2022. At that time, your points will only expire if your account has been inactive for at least 24 months.