苹果由于降低了 iphone 在高版本 iOS 上的性能,被集体诉讼了。现在为了和解,给每台机器提供最少 $25 的赔偿。

你需要是美国的 iphone 拥有者,并且需要同时满足以下条件

  • (1) a United States owner of an iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, and/or SE device
  • (2) that ran iOS 10.2.1 or later or, in the case of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus devices, that ran iOS 11.2 or later before December 21, 2017, and
  • (3) you experienced diminished performance on your device (s) .

不过我输入了序列号,说 datebase 找不到我的号码,不知道是为啥。我的 6s 和 7 都是在美国买的。。。