前几天我们分享了 IHG 已经在各个酒店使用动态的积分来兑换,但是使用 Chase IHG 赠送的房券的时候,会有错误,目前网上和电话都无法直接预订。现在 TPG 和 IHG 沟通之后,IHG 表示,这只是一个系统 bug,正在修复中。房券是可以预定 40k 的酒店!

“Members are able to redeem their Chase Anniversary Night for any hotel displaying 40,000 points or fewer. However, we have discovered a technical glitch causing an intermittent issue for some users that does not allow them to redeem the certificate at certain properties. The team is actively working to resolve this issue.”

等修复之后,大家可以开始抢购 40k 的各种洲际酒店了,避免后期疫情过去,价格动态升高。反正房券是可以直接退的,没啥损失。