Platinum CashPlus Bank Account

Platinum CashPlus Bank Account 是 Morgan Stanley 今年年初推出的一种资金账户,既然叫 Plus,那么你确实需要持有 Morgan Stanley 旗下其他账户才能申请,持有此账户,有一些特殊福利(参考这里,配套的借记卡及账户福利也不错),也包括本文要讨论的 Amex Morgan Stanley 白金卡的 $550 credit 福利。


Unlimited ATM fee rebates worldwide; Unlimited check writing; Comes with a debit card.; No foreign transaction fees when using the debit card.; No cash advance fees.; Cash withdrawals available from banks and tellers that accept MasterCard.

The Morgan Stanley CashPlus account offers identity protection through Experian, insufficient funds coverage, the ability to lock and unlock your debit card, price protection and robust online tools. Additional benefits at the Platinum tier include greater ID protection and a $550 “engagement bonus” if you have a Platinum American Express card from Morgan Stanley.

DOC 今天发了一篇有趣的文章(没错,我是翻译的),如果你持有 Morgan Stanley 的 Platinum CashPlus Bank Account(你需要先与 MS 有投资关系...才能开户),之后你再申请 Amex Morgan Stanley 白金卡,那么每个日历年你将可以获得 $550 credit(顺序不可变),相当于免除年费,详细信息参考这个 PDF

$550 Annual Engagement Bonus for Platinum CashPlus accounts may be received if 1) you are the Basic Card Member of the Platinum Card from American Express Exclusively for Morgan Stanley (the Basic Card Member is defined as the primary account holder) ; or 2) if you spend at least $100,000 during the calendar year across Morgan Stanley Debit Cards associated with Platinum CashPlus Accounts in your ALG.  Each ALG is eligible for one bonus per calendar year.

Each client is eligible for one bonus per calendar year.


首先,已持卡的老用户肯定是没有此福利的。如果你还没有大摩白金卡用户为了获取 $550 奖励,你需要按如下顺序进行开户、申请(不可变):

但是这个账号是有 $45 月费的(满足条件可免除),如果你愿意支付月费,相当于每年付出 $540,最终可以节省 $10 Amex Morgan Stanley 白金卡的年费...(虽然不太多)。


当然也有免除月费的方法(需要同时满足几个条件,感谢 半步云霄 及 HighFive 指正),具体如下:

  • 条件一:每日 Morgan Stanley 账户的平均总余额维持至少 $25,000(未清楚是否包含其他账户总额,DOC 认为算,从字面上来看应该是只算 CashPlus 账户的资金,挺不友好的)
  • 条件二:每月有 $5,000 存款存入,Zelle、支票、工资 DD 等各种都算
  • 条件三:一个非 CashPlus 的账户,前面开的 Morgan Stanley Access Investing 账户即可满足
  • 条件四:有 online 账户,其实条件三跟四都不是门槛。
  • 另外,每月有 Social Security benefit 的任意存款存入,注意是任意,也可以满足条件一

符合月存款的类别:Direct Deposit of payroll; Incoming Transfers; Mobile Check Deposit; Branch Check Deposit; Incoming Send Money with Zelle®; Incoming Wire; Any Social Security Deposit; Distributions from a Morgan Stanley Retirement Account

看起来似乎很难,但如果你有多余的 25K 存款,应该就不太难满足条件了,毕竟每个月 5K 的存款可以有各种方法实现。每日余额不需要每天维持,只要一个账单内,日均存款为 $25K 即可,例如:你可以在其中一天存个 $750K 完成这个要求。


账户的安全性肯定是不用担心的,此账户享有 FDIC 保险,可保 $250K 存款。不要忘记了 Amex Morgan Stanley 白金卡可以永久免费持有一张副卡(享有各种福利、报销共享)。如果你还没有申请过这张白金卡,且用得上无年费的副卡,有能力免除 Platinum CashPlus Bank Account 的月费,那么这个活动绝对适合你。

这个账户有利息,但是很低,前 250K 的存款利息是 0.03%。存钱到 Saving Account 的收益,也许会更好一些。

Morgan Stanley CashPlus is more on par with traditional brick-and-mortar checking accounts and offers 0.03% APY on balances below $250,000.

有趣的是,这个奖励也是日历年奖励(Each client is eligible for one bonus per calendar year),不知道是如何发放的。只持有一年是不是可以奖励两次?实现倒赚 $550?如果能轻松拿两次,就算无法免除月费,似乎也很不错。

由于是今年的产品,目前关于此账户的玩法还比较有限,虽然存在已久,但是可玩性似乎不强,欢迎大家汇报 DP!
