AMEX Personal Saving 介绍

大家可能对 AMEX 作为信用卡公司比较熟悉,其实 AMEX 也是有银行账户的。银行账户挂在 American Express National Bank 名下,目前有 Saving Account 和 CD。他家的 Saving 还不错,没有任何费用的情况下,还能有 1.15% APY(2020.6.14 数据)。这个 Saving 也是 FDIC 保护,最高可以保护 $250k,所以还是很正经的。


一般这个 saving 没有开户奖励,直接在 AMEX 官网注册即可。

不过今天我收到一个 25k 的开户奖励,邮件是发到我 AMEX Green 信用卡的。在群里调查了下,貌似也有收到的,大家可以瞧瞧。不过有的人收到的是没有开户奖励的。。只是一个广告。

如果你也收到这个 offer,需要注意的事项如下

  • 需要在 2020 年 7 月 18 日前存入 $25k,并保留钱到 2020 年 10 月 16 日
  • 开户奖励会在 8-12 周后给
  • 拿到开户奖励后,12 个月不能关 Saving;你的 Saving 关联的这张信用卡(charge 卡)12 个月内不能关掉或者降级。不然你的开户奖励有可能被收回。
  • 开户奖励算作利息,应该会收到 1099INT。估计 MR 会按照 1c/p 来计算价格,也就是 $250。

25,000 Membership Rewards points will be credited to your account within 8-12 weeks after you, as the primary account holder, deposit a total of $25,000 (the "Threshold Amount") or more of new money (not transferred from an existing Personal Savings account) into your American Express Personal Savings account by July 18, 2020 and hold those funds in your account through October 16, 2020. Our obligation to credit your account is also contingent on you not engaging in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with this offer in any way, as described below.

We may consider the number of Personal Savings accounts you have opened and closed as well as other factors in deciding on your offer eligibility. We may not credit Membership Rewards points, we may freeze Membership Rewards points already credited, or we may take away Membership Rewards points from your account, if we determine in our sole discretion that you have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with the offer in any way or that you intend to do so. For example, if you cancel your Personal Savings account within 12 months after acquiring it; or cancel or downgrade your card account within 12 months. We may also cancel this account and other accounts you may have with us. NOTE: The value of the bonus may be taxable income to you and may be reported on IRS Form 1099. You are responsible for any federal or state taxes resulting from the bonus. Please consult your tax advisor if you have questions about the tax treatment of the bonus.


  • 利率:1.15% APY
  • 费用:无月费,没有最低存款额度需求

该 Saving 没有对应的 Checking,所以存钱很蛋疼。需要从其他的 Checking 账户链接上这个 Saving,然后转钱进去。或者,你可以邮寄一张 check 到 amex 盐湖城的银行地址(不建议,丢了多麻烦)。

另外,这个 saving 没有对应的手机 app,只能从电脑上登陆查看,也没有 online chat 可以联系客服。


如果你只是想静静的存钱,拿较高的 APY,这个账户倒是很省心的选择。