根据 AMEX 官网消息,他们计划在 2023 年在亚特兰大国际机场加开一个 Centurion Lounge,这个休息室会是所有休息室中最大的一个。会有不少室外部分以及结合当地的特色进行设计。

  • Multiple outdoor areas, including a garden terrace inspired by the city’s rich tree canopy and open tarmac views, a first for a Centurion Lounge
  • Modern design influenced by Atlanta’s local landscape and culture
  • Locally inspired beverage and dining selections, including a modern bourbon bar, curated by a local chef and Centurion Lounge mixologist, Jim Meehan
  • Additional local and unique amenities specific to the Centurion Lounge in Atlanta that will be announced closer to opening